St. Printersburg
The Inkiest Event in Florida
Another year, another exciting event– Our team attended St.Printersburg for the second year in a row! Thank you to the event for putting on the most impressive print event in Florida, but also to everyone who showed up. It is an incredible experience to meet people who love print as much as our team!
“St. Printersburg is a one-day inky celebration of print, including a printers fair, live printing, and demos in St. Pete’s Grand Central District.”
“A collaboration between Calusa Press and Print St. Pete, St. Printersburg is a one-day inky celebration of print, including a printers fair, live printing, and demos in St. Pete’s Grand Central District.”
“Located at Calusa Commons in the Grand Central District of downtown St. Pete, the inaugural event was held on March 3rd, 2019, and featured over 20 local and regional printmakers including special guests Moore Wood Type, The Itinerant Printer, and IS Projects, and included a steam roller printing demo and a film screening of Pressing On: The Letterpress Film at the MFA.
With over 500 in attendance, we were blown away by the passion and excitement for all things print! St. Printersburg returns on March 8th, 2020 from 11am-4pm with more printers, more ink, more demos, and more fun! Master printer Jim Sherraden, who recently retired from Hatch Show Print in Nashville, TN, after 34 years, will join us as a special guest this year. “